PricingFor influencers

Market Landscape

Compare the performance of influencer marketing campaigns of multiple brands in a particular country and niche and get a full picture of the market. Explore the competitive landscape and collect insightful information about your rivals, including their campaign reach and efficiency. Compare several brands side by side, identify market leaders, and spot rising stars.
Market Landscape

Market & Trends Analysis

Uncover growth opportunities across countries and industries. Discover what markets are experiencing the largest growth by analyzing social media trends and rankings.
Market & Trends Analysis

Instagram Competitor Analysis

Explore every aspect of your rivals’ influencer marketing campaigns. Find out how performs your competitor’s marketing campaigns, get the full list of influencers they work with, analyze creatives used, and spy on their marketing budgets.
Instagram Competitor Analysis

YouTube Competitor Analysis

Analyze your competitors in great detail and analyze the YouTube influencer market. Gain a competitive edge with meaningful insights into their influencer strategies and set your business up for success.
YouTube Competitor Analysis

Content Analysis

Assess your competitors content performance and get insights on what audiences were activated by the campaign or a particular message. Create a data-informed advertising message that works.
Content Analysis

Solutions for every business need

HypeAuditor Market Analysis equips businesses with data to drive smart decisions, rapid innovation, and repeatable marketing success.


Reveal best influencer marketing strategies from the market and your competitors using big data analytics. Create campaigns that maximize ROI with our in-depth data on market trends, competitive strategies, and user preferences. Find the most effective creators on Instagram.


Analyze trends, competitors' strategies, and audience behavior. Map markets and spot emerging players and market trends. Translate audience insights and big data into concrete initiatives that drive above-market growth.


Compare markets and find untapped opportunities with big data competitor analysis based on ML algorithms. See external threats and market opportunities by benchmarking performance and keeping tabs on new competitive entrants. Identify rising stars before the rest of the industry.

Intelligent Competitor Analysis

Find out how perform your competitor’s marketing campaigns, get the full list of influencers they work with, analyze creatives used, and spy on their marketing budgets.

Influencer Marketing Trends Analysis

Discover emerging trends and the most successful players on the market in any industry and country. Find trend-breakers and taste-makers to enchase your influencer marketing strategy.

Two Easy Steps, Powerful Insights

Select a brand you want to analyze

Choose a competitor’s Instagram account and specify hashtags you want to track. Select the time period of the analyses, country, and create a report
Select a brand you want to analyze

Get results and analyze them instantly

Get valuable insights in less than an hour, rather than waiting weeks, and easily analyze valuable data
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