Campaign Management
Simplify payment management
Transform your current HypeAuditor account into an all-in-one campaign management platform. Select the influencer you need to pay and go through PayPal checkout to complete the payment. Stop money transfers from becoming a problem that holds up your campaigns.

Send payments around the world
Transfer money between PayPal accounts in seconds or to bank accounts in a few days. Make sure that influencers will be able to receive, use, and withdraw funds quickly and conveniently.

Expand the way you do business
Don’t let difficult international transfers stop you from working with the influencers you want. Unlock new partnerships and marketing opportunities by collaborating with content creators who primarily use PayPal for global payments.

Remove the hassle of money transfers
Have influencers connect their PayPal account when accepting campaign proposals. Send influencer payments in the currency of your choice or allow influencers to request the currency they want to receive. Manage payments without having to switch tabs or browsers in order to confirm account details.