The HypeAuditor Blog

Influencer marketing tips, guides, and best practices. Stay up-to-date with HypeAuditor’s blog on the latest industry trends and news and do influencer marketing in an efficient way.
How to Find Small Influencers on Instagram
13 min
How to Find Small Influencers on Instagram
Small influencers: the new secret weapon of small and large businesses alike that want to succeed on Instagram. Despite their modest following they have the most engaged audiences. What makes them brands’ favorite partners is the authentic relationship they forge with their followers, their relatable nature, and their expertise in their niche.
How to Find Influencers on Twitter?
8 min
How to Find Influencers on Twitter?
Twitter hasn’t been as popular as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. Its user base is merely above 335 million and since Elon Musk bought the platform it lost millions of subscribers, including brands. Its content format is short and textual and allows real-time discussions. This poses a challenge for many brands and industries that build on visuality and lengthy content.
How to Check an Instagram Page’s Quality?
10 min
How to Check an Instagram Page’s Quality?
What social media platform comes to your mind if you think of influencer marketing? Most likely, Instagram will be the first to come up – or maybe the second. Indeed, Instagram has become the major platform for influencer marketing, with more than 2 billion active users and diverse content formats and features. It would be a missed opportunity for content creators and businesses not to capitalize on Instagram’s broad audience and visual abilities.
How to Find Micro-Influencers on TikTok for Your Brand?
10 min
How to Find Micro-Influencers on TikTok for Your Brand?
In the last few years, TikTok has grown rapidly, especially among Gen Z and young Millennials. What’s its secret? TikTok content is relatable, unique, authentic, and prone to go viral. The platform’s users are considered the most engaging, with 92% of them liking, sharing, or commenting after they are exposed to a video.
How to Find Influencers for Affiliate Marketing?
7 min
How to Find Influencers for Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing has been a popular digital marketing tactic for many brands. Businesses usually partner with bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, and niche website owners as affiliates who promote a business’s services or products on their channels. It is a transactional relationship aiming to grow the merchant’s sales and traffic. In turn, publishers get a commission after each successful conversion.
How to Find Local Influencers for Your Brand
13 min
How to Find Local Influencers for Your Brand
According to businesses, finding influencers is one of the top three challenges of influencer marketing. The question then arises, how difficult is it to find local influencers? In this blog post, we’ll recount 14 online and offline techniques that enable you to find social media influencers in your area.
Influencer Marketing
How to Find Influencers on YouTube
12 min
How to Find Influencers on YouTube
Partnering with the right YouTubers presents a huge opportunity for brands to tap into unique audiences and build credibility through them. However, finding the right creator for your business among more than 2 billion active users seems like finding a needle in a haystack.
Tips for Influencers
Guest Articles
5 Ways to Use Chatbots as a Powerful Marketing Tool
9 min
5 Ways to Use Chatbots as a Powerful Marketing Tool
Ever since the improvements in AI (artificial intelligence) and NLP (natural language progression), modern chatbots have been getting heavier and heavier in use. We interviewed marketing veteran Padraig O'Connor to explore the power of chatbots as a marketing tool. He notes the implementation of chatbots is vital for businesses to stay ahead.
News & Trends
Influencer Industry