PricingFor influencers

Key Features of Influencer Comparison

Overall Score

Discover which influencers are the best performing (and which are underwhelming when stacked up to the competition). Compare creators so you work with the best option. Get a “big picture” view of an influencer’s audience and general effectiveness before you set up a collaboration with them.
Overall Score

Audience Fit

See which influencers have audiences that overlap with what you’re looking for. Adjust your search to account for important factors like location, age, and gender. Avoid falling into the trap of working with influencers whose audiences aren’t what you need.
Audience Fit

Familiar Metrics

Compare influencers by more than just audience fit and overall score. Weigh influencers by their results, taking into account familiar metrics like post performance, influencer follower count, engagement rate, total reach, and AQS (to name a few). Leave no stone unturned as you strive to uncover the optimal influencers for you.
Familiar Metrics

Cross-Tool Functionality

Add prospective influencers straight to My Network without ever leaving Influencer Comparison. Unlock reports automatically by simply adding influencers to your favorites.
Cross-Tool Functionality


Remove influencers you’re no longer interested in (or with whom you’re already collaborating) and add new prospects to your list. Switch between social networks to compare influencers on a specific platform. Sort social media creators by key metrics, and add or remove metrics to suit your needs.

Join 750,000+ influencers and businesses using HypeAuditor today

HypeAuditor’s Influencer Discovery is available for Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Brands and agencies can use it to search for potential brand ambassadors and collaboration partners. Brands are able to narrow down Influencer Discovery search results using filters like audience demographics, location, influencer size, Audience Quality Score, and more.

With the help of our search filters, brands and agencies can find the perfect influencers for their marketing strategy. Influencer Discovery also contains a special “Niche search” function, which allows users to specify the niche or topic they’re looking for. Users can then set various filters to refine their search and create a shortlist of promising brand ambassador candidates.

Questions & Answers about Influencer Comparison

What is an influencer comparison tool?

An influencer comparison tool is a special influencer marketing tool that enables brands, agencies, and other influencers to compare and analyze various content creators according to key performance indicators and other influencer metrics. All a user needs to do is enter the influencers’ profiles and they can see a side-by-side comparison of performance, engagement, audience demographics, and other creator metrics. As a result, brands and agencies can leverage comparison data and influencer insights to identify which influencers are most suitable for achieving their marketing goals.

How do I find the best influencer?

In order to determine the best influencer for achieving marketing goals, your first step is to define your goals and determine your target audience. With those in mind, you can use influencer discovery tools and other specialized software that enables you to search relevant hashtags and scope out the results of influencer collaborations. As you sort through the results of your initial searches, look for influencers whose content fits your values and which can resonate with your target audience. Then you’ll need to review engagement rates, follower counts, audience demographics, and history of past collaborations. By considering these factors, you’ll be able to find an influencer who can promote your brand effectively.

How do I compare influencers’ performance and ROI?

You can compare influencer performance and ROI by analyzing metrics like engagement, reach, clicks, and conversions that occur as a result of the campaigns they ran. To calculate an influencer’s ROI, you can subtract the cost of a campaign from any revenue generated by the campaign.

How do I compare influencers’ audiences?

If you want to compare influencers’ audiences, you can start by analyzing their demographics, interests, and engagement. Influencer analytics platforms like HypeAuditor will make it easier for you to access insights into influencer audiences so that you can ensure an influencer’s followers align with your target audience.

What are potential challenges to watch out for when comparing influencers, and how can I overcome them?

Potential pitfalls that can occur when comparing influencers include fake engagement, fake followers, inconsistent metrics, and audience misalignment. You can avoid these influencer comparison pitfalls by using influencer analytics tools like HypeAuditor that make it easier to thoroughly vet influencers for relevance and authenticity.