Top Movies YouTube Channels in Russia
The Top Channels in the Movies Category in Russia
Content published by the YouTube channel Дима Масленников (@pognalishow) produced 3.2M views in March 2025. With this high number, the Movies channel in Russia ranked 1st on our list. The YouTuber has 18.8M subscribers, and their videos garnered 137.2K likes and 4.8K comments as well.
Taking the 2nd place is TheBrianMaps (@thebrianmaps) with 2.2M views. The channel managed to collect 18.2M subscribers, and their videos had 187.6K likes and 13K comments.
Super Max (@supermaxim) got 3rd position on our ranking. The Movies channel’s videos were viewed by 246.9K on average and received 4.3K likes and 3 comments.
On the 4th place, you’ll find EdisonPts (@edisonpts). Boasting a 17.1M subscriber list, their content generated 937.9K views, 43.6K likes, and 3.6K comments.
Watch Me (@watchmeoff) landed 5th on our top list with 34.4K views. The Movies channel in Russia has 14.3M subscribers and gathered 635 likes and 9 comments on average last month.
FAQ - Movies Channels with the Highest Number of Views in Russia
Which YouTuber is the most viewed in Russia in the Movies category?
Who are the 5 most viewed Movies YouTubers in Russia?
Мастерская Настроения (@masterskayanastroeny)
CTC (@ctctv)
Family Box (@family-box)
LITVIN (@litvin_misha_11)
Viki Show (@vikishow)
Check back next month to see who achieved the highest position on our Movies channel ranking in Russia.