Top YouTube Channels in Egypt
The Top Channels in Egypt
In January 2025, حِرف إبداعية في 5 دقائق (@5mcarabic) channel snatched the 1ts place in Egypt with 16.2M subscribers. Their videos gained 9.2K views, 52 likes, and 2 comments.
Mohamed Ramadan I محمد رمضان (@mohamedramadan) ranked 2nd on the list with 15.9M subscribers. The channel’s videos collected 1.4M views, 20.5K comments, and 40.4K likes in the previous month.
YouTuber حقائق وأسرار (@facts806) secured the 3rd place in Egypt with 14.8M subscribers. The YouTuber’s videos generated 47.7K views, 923 likes, and 23 comments.
14.3M subscribers took IBRAHIM ELHIDIR (@ibrahimelhidir) to 4th place on our top list. As for engagement metrics, the channel’s videos were watched 34.7K times and got 0 likes and 13 comments.
13.9M people have subscribed to Shawar (@shawarvlogs). The channel’s content triggered 170.5K views, 6.2K likes, and 164 comments.
FAQ - The Most Popular Channels in Egypt
Which channel is the most popular in Egypt?
What are the top 5 channels with the most subscribers in Egypt?
The top 5 channels in the Egypt are:
MBC مصر (@mbcmasrtv) with 13M subscribers
Ahmed Karim (@ahmedkarimoo) with 12.6M subscribers
Troom Troom Arabic (@troomtroom_arabic) with 12.6M subscribers
الجانب المُشرق | Bright Side Arabic (@bs_arabic) with 12.2M subscribers
Marah TV (@marahtvtube) with 12.1M subscribers
Check back next month to see who achieved the highest position on our channel ranking in Egypt.