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HypeAuditor API
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  • Curastory Achieved a Flexible Approach in Attracting and Analyzing Creators

    Curastory is a company that positions itself as an all-in-one platform for video creators. They are a startup in the creator economy that provides a platform to shoot and edit high-quality videos and distribute them to their video channels. Additionally, the creators can use their product to monetize those videos through baked-in ads done in the creators’ voices.

    Their sales and engineering departments struggled with the manual creator metrics research to determine which candidate they could choose to connect with appropriate brand campaigns running on platform. It took a considerable amount of time to analyze and select the matching videos uploaded from creators. They wanted a much faster and more flexible solution for their creator media buying algorithm for baked-in creator ad reads.

    HypeAuditor in 3 months:

    Identified and focused on social creators matching their brand partner campaigns

    Improved efficiency for the marketing and sales teams by automating most of the analytical tasks

    Provided programmatic access to the main features of the HypeAuditor tool through API

    “HypeAuditor was the main tool that we chose from all of the other ones, with it we were able to understand creators and their audiences to not only qualify them and let them come on platform, but programmatically match them to brand campaigns through our media buying algorithm. We wouldn't be able to run our business without those metrics.”

    Tiffany Kelly

    Founder&CEO at Curastory

    • Business Challenges

      The lack of flexible access to creator data for creating solid collaborations

      Curastory is a relatively brand-new company in the creator economy business niche. It attracts creators to their platform while providing tools to produce creative content. At least two departments are actively using their product to attract more collaborators, sales and engineering, and both of them require direct access to data for locating and matching relevant creators.

    • The Curastory platform is a custom digital solution that requires an API for flexible access to creator data

      Collecting all creator metrics and analytical information through an API is an excellent approach for content economy companies that have programmatic solutions within their technology like Curastory. It’s not a common way to collect influencer metrics. Still, with it, Curastory is able to implement most of their operations, and practically none of the other influencer marketing platforms provide such a feature.

    • HypeAuditor as the Solution:

      The HypeAuditor platform has automated most of the tasks done manually by a single marketer

      With HypeAudtior, the Curastory team can easily find creators with suitable metrics to onboard them into the platform. They can quickly review all of the chosen creator accounts, observe the engagement rate of each potential creator, examine the authenticity of a selected account via AQS (Audience Quality Score), and produce a detailed account report composed of 20 different analytical metrics. That way, they can invite relevant creators to use the monetization feature of their video platform.

    • HypeAuditor provided access to the crucial creator data via API for programmatic creator media buying

      As Curastory’s product is a custom software solution targeted at programmatically bidding for baked-in ad reads from creators on behalf of brand partner media spends, they required a direct connection with HypeAuditor’s primary tool via the API. Their model takes the brand partner campaign spend, finds the videos from creators with matched gender, age, household income, and location audience demographics to the campaigns targeted criteria, and bids for baked-in ads from the brand partner campaign spend. Creator media buying using a programmatic solution with ease.

    • The result:

      Curastory now easily connects with the HypeAuditor tool with their internal teams

      With flexible access to creator data through an API, an automated process for analyzing the authentic candidates, and account tracking, Curastory can continue attracting more creators to their product and expanding the business further without manually collecting crucial metrics for the programmatic media buying needs.

      Both sales and engineering departments now can safely collaborate & communicate with dozens of creators simultaneously instead of just several within a month while focusing on other relevant tasks.

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