- @edindzeko2.6M
Instagram Stats & Analytics for Edin Dzeko (@edindzeko)
- Worldwide#2,923
- Italy#217
- Sports with a ball#68
Here’re Instagram account statistics for edindzeko. The audience size of edindzeko is 2.6M followers. The account gained 13.2K new followers in the four last weeks. The Engagement Rate is 9.78%. The average number of likes and comments per Instagram post created by Edin Dzeko is 258.1K and 1.8K respectively. edindzeko publishes content mostly about .
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- Follow/unfollow patterns analysis
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- Organic growth check
- Engagement analysis
- Engagement authenticity check
- Comment pods check
Check @edindzeko audience demographics. Full report shows percentage for top-5 countries, top-5 cities, states breakdown for US, core gender, and top-5 languages.
Get in-depth analysis of the quality of audience and find fake or ghost followers numbers. The report will show the number of real people and influencers, the percentage of mass followers and suspicious accounts.
Evaluate the percentage of target age group and gender among @edindzeko audience. The report will show the percent of each age-gender group and overall split.