Top Science & Technology YouTube Channels in Hong Kong
The Top Channels in the Science & Technology Category in Hong Kong
Content published by the YouTube channel Taiwan Bar (@taiwanbar) produced 6K views in March 2025. With this high number, the Science & Technology channel in Hong Kong ranked 1st on our list. The YouTuber has 1.2M subscribers, and their videos garnered 277 likes and 7 comments as well.
Taking the 2nd place is PanSci (@panscitw) with 49.8K views. The channel managed to collect 945.1K subscribers, and their videos had 2.1K likes and 95 comments.
健康旦 HiEggo (@hieggo1001) got 3rd position on our ranking. The Science & Technology channel’s videos were viewed by 7.8K on average and received 279 likes and 6 comments.
On the 4th place, you’ll find 大膽科學 - What If Chinese (@whatifchinese). Boasting a 547.5K subscriber list, their content generated 24.7K views, 476 likes, and 37 comments.
赖岳谦TV (@tv-od5nb) landed 5th on our top list with 54.3K views. The Science & Technology channel in Hong Kong has 465.5K subscribers and gathered 5.2K likes and 85 comments on average last month.
FAQ - Science & Technology Channels with the Highest Number of Views in Hong Kong
Which YouTuber is the most viewed in Hong Kong in the Science & Technology category?
Who are the 5 most viewed Science & Technology YouTubers in Hong Kong?
NyoNyo日常實況 (@nyonyo)
偏方小百科(偏方小百科) (@pinfong)
Stormtrooper白兵 (@stormtrooper5893)
程威銘醫師Dr. DKK (@drdkk)
腦哥 Chill塊鏈 (@brainbrocrypto)
Check back next month to see who achieved the highest position on our Science & Technology channel ranking in Hong Kong.