State of TikTok in Kazakhstan

TikTok is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance. It is used to create short dance, lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos.

TikTok became available in Kazakhstan after merging with in 2018. The application allows users to create short music and lip-sync videos of 3 to 15 seconds and short looping videos of 3 to 60 seconds.

After merging with in August, downloads rose and TikTok became the most downloaded app, the first Chinese app to achieve this.

In 2019, media outlets cited TikTok as the 7th-most-downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019.
It was also the most-downloaded app on the App Store in 2018 and 2019.

HypeAuditor conducted a brief research to find out what the TikTok influencer ecosystem looks like in Kazakhstan.

For that research, we have analyzed 3.1 Million TikTok influencers (TikTok accounts that have over 1000 followers) from around the world and 6K influencers from Kazakhstan.

Key Findings

  • 3.41% of influencers in Kazakhstan have over 100K followers, they can collaborate with brands and get paid for advertising.

  • On average TikTok influencers in Kazakhstan have 171 videos uploaded to their feed.

  • In Kazakhstan, 7.6% of influencers' accounts have over 500 media entries.

  • Core TikTok audience in Kazakhstan is females between 13 and 24 years old (57.61%).

  • The Engagement Rate of TikTok influencers in Kazakhstan is 14.12% and which is lower than the average worldwide Engagement Rate.

Distribution of TikTok influencers by number of followers in Kazakhstan

Distribution of TikTok influencers by number of followers in Kazakhstan

The majority of TikTok influencers in Kazakhstan have between 1K and 5K followers. Only 3.41% of influencers have over 100K followers, they can collaborate with brands and get paid for advertising.

TikTok content in Kazakhstan

For many TikTok influencers, TikTok can be not just a hobby but a potential source of income.

On average TikTok influencers in Kazakhstan have 171 videos uploaded to their feed. It is 33% lower than the global average uploaded number of videos, which is 260.

In Kazakhstan, 7.6% of influencers' accounts have over 500 media entries. For example, in India, 39.4% of accounts had over 500 media entries. 

Audience of TikTok Influencers in Kazakhstan

Audience of TikTok Influencers in Kazakhstan

Core TikTok audiences in Kazakhstan are females between 13 and 24 years old (57.61%).

Engagement Rate of TikTok Influencers in Kazakhstan

Engagement Rate of TikTok Influencers in Kazakhstan

The average Engagement Rate Worldwide is 15.86% and the Average Engagement Rate in Kazakhstan is 14.12%.

Engagement Rate is Likes + Comments + Shares divided by Views number.

Engagement Rate or ER is a commonly used benchmark of success on TikTok as it can determine if an influencer is connecting with their audience.

It is also worth noting that the average engagement of TikTok influencers in Kazakhstan is 11% lower than the worldwide average, which means that the TikTok audience in Kazakhstan is less engaged in influencer content in Kazakhstan.

Average interactions per TikTok post in Kazakhstan

In the table, you can see average interactions by Tiers (TikTok accounts with a different numbers of followers). For example, the average number of post views of an account that has from 20K to 100K followers in Kazakhstan is 7 979 and the average number of comments that get that account is 16.

1. Хомяк

Homm9k user at TikTok

Followers: 4.6M 
Likes: 47.3M
Average views: 2.01M

2. Прощай Симбочка

Simbachka user at TikTok

Number of followers: 4.6M
Number of likes: 87.8M
Average views: 8.64M

3.  Kagiris Twins

Kagiristwins user at TikTok

Number of followers: 3.9M
Number of likes: 97.2M
Average views: 227K

4. Sergei030485

Sergei030485 user at TikTok

Number of followers: 3M
Number of likes: 31.8M
Average views: 107K

5. I_am_doshik

I am doshik user at TikTok

Number of followers: 2.5M
Number of likes: 133M
Average views: 181K

6. Ерболат Жанабылов

Zhanabylov user at TikTok

Number of followers: 1.5M
Number of likes: 10.4M
Average views: 142K

7. Фикус

Fikusvkorne user at TikTok

Number of followers: 1.4M
Number of likes: 42.6M
Average views: 720K

8. Таир Ка’ли

Takatta user at TikTok

Number of followers: 1.2M
Number of likes: 50.5M
Average views: 214K

9. 🌝mr_keks🌝

Mr keks user at TikTok

Number of followers: 1.1M
Number of likes: 32.8M
Average views: 5.86K

10. zhekafatbelly01

Zheka Fatbelly user at TikTok

Number of followers: 917K
Number of likes: 10.6M
Average views: 148K

About HypeAuditor

This report was made by HypeAuditor

HypeAuditor is an AI-powered Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube analytics tool that helps to get insights about the creator’s audience, increase advertisers’ ROI and safeguard authenticity in influencer marketing. It sets a standard for Instagram analytics by providing the most accurate data.

HypeAuditor applies machine learning to determine behavioral patterns and identify fake followers and engagement on influencer accounts. It presents users with a breakdown of demographic data for an influencer’s audience and brings benchmarks for each metric for influencers with a similar number of followers.

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Nick is a marketing and research specialist at HypeAuditor, with a passion for exploring social media trends and uncovering insights to help businesses make informed decisions, recognized by leading publications and events for his expertise in influencer marketing and dedicated to driving innovation in the dynamic world of social media.
November 23, 2020
Nick is a marketing and research specialist at HypeAuditor, with a passion for exploring social media trends and uncovering insights to help businesses make informed decisions, recognized by leading publications and events for his expertise in influencer marketing and dedicated to driving innovation in the dynamic world of social media.
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