Influencers, Brands and Agencies analysis

HypeAuditor surveyed almost 1,000 of their influencers and agencies to take a deeper look into influencer behavior during the pandemic.

Influencers research

Which of the following platforms do you use?

Platforms used by influencers

The most popular platform for influencers is Instagram, followed by YouTube and TikTok.

Which of the following platforms do you use most?

Most used platforms by influencers

Instagram is also the platform that influencers use the most.

Have you seen an increase in brands wanting to work with you since the pandemic started?

The rise of brands' interest towards influencers since the start of pandemic

59% of influencers say they’ve seen an increase in brands wanting to work with them since the pandemic started

Have you seen more competition with other influencers since the pandemic started?

How competition among influencers increased since the start of pandemic

64% also say they’ve seen more competition with other influencers

What types of brands have been coming to you more since the pandemic started asking to collaborate?

Influencers say that clothing brands have been coming to them the most for collaborations since the pandemic started (45%), followed by health and wellness (35%), food and drink (31%) and electronics (14%)

Have you changed your content since the pandemic started?

How influencers' content changed since the start of pandemic

If yes, how? (Please select all that apply)

60% of influencers have changed their content since the pandemic started, and they’ve started posting more (42%). Others have used more targeted hashtags (24%), posting at different times of the day (22%) and switched the focus on their posts (21%)

If yes, have you switched your content focus so much so that abandoned your original content focus in the past 12 months?

Content focus consistency of influencers

And 21% have switched their content so much so that they abandoned their original content focus over the past 12 months

On average, how many hours do you spend working on your social media influencer job each day?

The majority of influencers spend between 1-2 hours on their social media job each day (52%). A smaller percentage spend more than 5 hours per day (15%).

What time of the day do you typically find yourself working on your social media profile?

Influencers say that they find themselves working on their social media content all day (35%) and a quarter work on it during the evening (24%)

What you could refuse if this guaranteed an annual contract with your favorite brand?

38% of influencers would give up their morning latte if it meant a guaranteed annual contract with their favorite brand, followed by a streaming service (33%), their job (20%). 6% would give up their partner.

Do you feel pressured to create content these days?

Most influencers are under pressure of creating content

If yes, why do you feel pressure to create new content?

66% feel pressured to create content right now, and 62% feel pressured to stay relevant. 40% say their pressure is related to the amount of new influencers they’ve seen pop up since the pandemic started, and 37% feel pressured to create new content to make money.

Have you ever turned down a brand deal?

Most influencers turned down a brand deal at least once

77% of influencers say that they’ve turned down a brand deal, while 23% say that they’ve never turned down a brand deal.

If yes, why?

The reason they have turned down a brand deal is because they didn’t like ro agree with the messaging (47%) or that the brand didn’t look credible (43%). Other reasons include they didn’t offer enough money (31%) or that the brand values conflicted with their own (27%)

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Brands and Agencies research

Do you work with influencers currently?

Most brands work with influencers

73% of agencies are currently working with influencers, and 69% have seen an increase in potential influencers to work with since the pandemic started

Have you seen an increase in potential influencers to work with since the pandemic started?

Most brands regard influencer marketing a perspective niche

Have you seen an increase in sales when working with social media influencers over an online advertising campaign?

63% of brands see an increase in sales after working with influencers

63% of agencies say they’ve seen an increase in sales when working with social media influencers on an online advertising campaign

If yes, why?

What benefits brands got from working with influencers

40% say they’ve seen better engagement and 37% say they have more trust from consumers

Have you allocated more money on influencer marketing since the pandemic started?

Half of brands started spending more on influencer marketing since the beginning of pandemic

Agencies are split–50% say they’ve allocated more money to influencer marketing since the pandemic started and 50% say they haven’t.

If yes, how much more money?

47% have allocated less than 10% more of their budget and 19% have allocated 10-20% more of their budget.

Have you switched the type of influencer you’re working with since the pandemic started?

Brands tend to keep working with the same influencers

One third have switched the type of influencer that they’re working with since the pandemic started

What types of influencers do you find get the most engagement and convert the most sales?

Most efficient influencers to work with broken down by their niche

52% of agencies say that they get the most engagement and convert the most sales from lifestyle influencers (52%), followed by fashion (32%), health and wellness (31%) and beauty (28%). Other choices include:

  • Fitness–21%

  • Parenting–15%

  • Gaming–9%

  • Electronic–8%

What size of Instagram influencers do you usually work with?

Influencer working with brands broken down by size

50% of agencies say that the sweet spot for influencer size is those who have a following of 5k-20k. Also popular is influencers with 100k-500k (37%).

Do you plan to work with influencers on holiday content?

Agencies are willing to work with influencers on holiday content

64% of agencies say that they are planning to work with influencers on holiday content.

On average, how many influencers do you regularly and consistently work with (work with them on multiple campaigns throughout the year)?

44% of agencies say that they work with less than 5 influencers regularly and consistently.

Find your perfect influencers, fast
Explore HypeAuditor’s 205.5M+ creator database, vet them for authenticity, and get them onboard to make every campaign count with insights trusted by 8,000+ brands
Nick is a marketing and research specialist at HypeAuditor, with a passion for exploring social media trends and uncovering insights to help businesses make informed decisions, recognized by leading publications and events for his expertise in influencer marketing and dedicated to driving innovation in the dynamic world of social media.
Topics:State of Influencer Marketing Data-Driven Insights
November 20, 2020
Nick is a marketing and research specialist at HypeAuditor, with a passion for exploring social media trends and uncovering insights to help businesses make informed decisions, recognized by leading publications and events for his expertise in influencer marketing and dedicated to driving innovation in the dynamic world of social media.
Find your perfect influencers, fast
Explore HypeAuditor’s 205.5M+ creator database, vet them for authenticity, and get them onboard to make every campaign count with insights trusted by 8,000+ brands
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