Social Media Marketing

How can you create an impactful social media strategy with influencer marketing? We have the answers for you in this section!
The Best Free Marketing Tools for Businesses
14 min
The Best Free Marketing Tools for Businesses
If a business wants to maintain or improve its reach, grow its client base, and excel in multiple channels, it will need a small army of marketing experts to handle key marketing activities. Fortunately, there are plenty of digital marketing tools out there that, on the one hand, reduce workloads and, on the other hand, speed up strenuous marketing processes. In this piece, we’ll list the best free marketing tools available for email marketing, writing content, social media scheduling, analytics, managing customer relationships, and SEO.
10 Best Social Media Management Tools for Agencies in 2024
13 min
10 Best Social Media Management Tools for Agencies in 2024
Plenty of social media management tools for agencies have come forth in recent years consolidating arduous duties into one dashboard. Social media marketing teams can use these solutions to save time and manpower, resulting in stronger relationships with their clients and more efficient social media project management. This article will review the 10 best social media management tools, including their key features and strongest points.
15 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools for 2024
18 min
15 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools for 2024
Brand content can range from short text posts and images to videos and infographics on social media. Awareness, however, can only be maintained when quality content is posted consistently and at the right time. This is where a social media management platform comes into the picture. By using it, you can coordinate postings across various social networks from a single location.
8 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media
12 min
8 Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media
Repurposing content is one of the evergreen marketing strategies. This approach allows website owners, business representatives, and marketers to recycle catchy and useful content and share it with more audiences. It means that the top-performing blog article can become the framework of a post in social media, while a white paper can be converted into separate-standing infographics for attractive press releases, tutorials, video presentations, etc.
How Mobile Apps Turned To Stories as their Main Media Format
7 min
How Mobile Apps Turned To Stories as their Main Media Format
Social networks, business apps, and even Google – stories have made their way everywhere. But how and why? In this article, we tell the history of the development of the short content format, why it has become incredibly popular in the era of accelerating content consumption, and why large companies need stories in their mobile apps.
10 Tips For Making Social Media Posts More Attractive
10 min
10 Tips For Making Social Media Posts More Attractive
The evolving nature of social media platforms makes it harder to find a voice that works in lockstep with your brand’s personality. It involves innumerable rounds of testing and failing to finally succeed at finding a voice that sticks and inspires action.  By adopting a few basic writing tips to convey your message more appealingly, you can take your social media game up several notches.
Who Reigns On Instagram: Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, or Boomers?
3 min
Who Reigns On Instagram: Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, or Boomers?
Technology usage across all generations from Baby Boomers to Gen X to Millennials and beyond continues to grow. Covid accelerated digitalization and the number of active social media users have increased by 10.5%. It became interesting for us to look at the Instagram influencers in terms of their belonging to a particular generation and their features of content production.
4 Tips to Make Viewers Watch Your YouTube Video till the End
5 min
4 Tips to Make Viewers Watch Your YouTube Video till the End
Your YouTube video’s watch time is an important metric to know how much your viewers like your video. It’s good to know whether your viewers are rewatching your videos or dropping them off early or repeating the same scenes. If your viewers are rewatching, then you have clearly done a good job of filming your video.