Heepsy Alternatives for influencer marketing

Heepsy alternatives


Heepsy is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform designed for brands and agencies seeking to run effective influencer marketing campaigns. Launched in 2017 with headquarters in Bilbao, Spain, and a presence in Colombia, Indonesia, the UK, and the US, Heepsy has garnered a following among small to mid-sized companies and businesses aiming to incorporate influencer marketing strategies.

What sets Heepsy apart is its ability to provide a well-rounded influencer marketing solution that extends beyond traditional influencer discovery. The platform offers access to over 11 million influencers with detailed audience demographics and authenticity analysis, enabling brands to pinpoint the most suitable influencers for their campaigns. Heepsy's influencer Marketplace allows influencers to proactively find campaigns that resonate with their audience and align with their personal brand, streamlining the campaign process for both parties.

Heepsy review

Heepsy boasts a versatile suite of features, including influencer discovery, analytics, and management tools, making it a robust platform for optimizing and measuring the success of influencer marketing efforts in a collaborative environment. Its influencer analytics, list compilation, and payment management features make it a strong contender for brands committed to leveraging influencer marketing effectively, provided its strengths align with their marketing goals and budget.

Finally, Heepsy excels in discovering influencers with genuinely engaged audiences and analyzing this engagement for quality, which is crucial for successful marketing campaigns. The platform's efficient bulk operations and focus on B2C marketing cater well to brands targeting consumer audiences.

Why look for Heepsy alternatives?

While Heepsy offers a robust set of features and capabilities for influencer marketing, businesses may seek alternatives for various reasons, primarily to better align with their specific goals, requirements, or growth plans. It's important to note that considering alternatives does not necessarily imply any shortcomings or negative aspects of Heepsy; rather, it's a proactive approach to finding the best solution that meets a company's evolving needs.

Some potential reasons for exploring Heepsy alternatives include:

  • Scaling and enterprise-level needs: As businesses grow and their influencer marketing strategies become more complex, they may require a platform with enhanced scalability, advanced features, and enterprise-level capabilities to support their expanding operations effectively.

  • Specialized industry requirements: Certain industries or business models may have unique influencer marketing needs that call for specialized features or integrations not currently offered by Heepsy. Exploring alternatives could provide a better fit for these specific requirements.

  • Integration with existing tech stack: Companies heavily invested in particular software or platforms, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems or e-commerce solutions, may seek alternatives that offer seamless integrations to streamline their workflows and data management processes.

  • Budget considerations: While Heepsy's pricing plans are budget-friendly for smaller businesses, larger enterprises or companies with rapidly growing influencer marketing budgets may need to evaluate more cost-effective alternatives that align with their financial resources.

  • Evolving business strategies: As companies refine their marketing strategies, pivot to new markets, or explore different influencer marketing approaches, they may find that alternative platforms better align with their evolving goals and objectives.

It's important to remember that exploring alternatives is a proactive approach to ensure that businesses have the right tools and resources to support their influencer marketing efforts effectively. By evaluating various options, companies can make informed decisions and select the platform that best matches their unique needs and long-term growth plans.

Top Heepsy Alternatives to Consider

1. HypeAuditor
2. Phlanx
3. Upfluence
4. Storyclash
5. Influencity
6. Promoty.io
7. Skeepers
8. NeoReach
9. Linqia
10. indaHash
11. Sprout Social

1. HypeAuditor

HypeAuditor influencer marketing platform

Best use case

HypeAuditor is tailored for brands and agencies focused on maximizing their influencer marketing ROI while dodging the pitfalls of inauthentic influencers. Its standout feature is an advanced fraud detection system that sifts through engagement, distinguishing genuine interactions from those generated by bots, pods, or other deceptive practices. This ensures partnerships are formed with influencers whose followers are genuinely engaged, boosting campaign value.

But it's not just about spotting the fakes. HypeAuditor also provides a deep inspection of the influencer's audience, offering information about follower demographics, psychographics, and behaviors. This level of detail helps brands tune their campaigns with precision, ensuring messages resonate deeply for greater impact.

Yet, HypeAuditor's prowess extends beyond fraud detection and audience analysis. It's evolved into a comprehensive tool covering every aspect of influencer marketing — from finding the right influencers and managing campaigns to dissecting performance data, understanding audience nuances, and keeping a finger on the pulse of market trends. This makes it an all-in-one platform for optimizing the entirety of your influencer marketing strategy, ensuring every step is informed, effective, and aligned with your company’s goals.

Availability of a free trial

HypeAuditor recognizes the importance of testing out its platform before making a financial commitment. To address this, it offers a free version that provides limited access to its analytics tools. This approach allows potential users to explore the platform's basic features, including basic influencer discovery and analysis, which helps understand the platform’s value before opting for a more comprehensive, paid subscription.

Starting price

HypeAuditor's pricing strategy is positioned at the higher end of the market, catering to organizations that tend to invest in influencer marketing. This premium pricing is reflective of the platform's commitment to offering high-quality, actionable insights that meet the needs of enterprises deeply involved in influencer marketing strategies.

Key features

HypeAuditor brings a set of straightforward, powerful tools designed to make influencer marketing easier and more effective for brands and agencies:

  • Finding and Choosing Influencers: With AI technology, this feature looks through over 100 million social media profiles to help you find the right influencers. It uses smart tools like Lookalikes and Social Listening to make sure you pick influencers who fit your brand’s needs.

  • Managing Influencer Relationships: This is a CRM system built for keeping track of your interactions with influencers, following campaign progress, and making communication easier. It includes automation and customization options to help you work more efficiently.

  • Detailed Reports: You get deep insights into the influencers you’re working with, including information on their audience, how engaging they are, and if their followers are real, thanks to a unique score called the Audience Quality Score (AQS).

  • Comparing Accounts: This lets you directly compare different influencers or even your competitors to see who has the best audience for your brand and how you stack up.

  • Reaching Out to Influencers: With customizable email templates and tracking, this feature makes it simple to contact potential influencers and keep track of your conversations.

  • Campaign Management: This tool covers everything you need to run an influencer campaign, from starting conversations to tracking how well your campaign is doing, including tools to track sales and calculate important metrics automatically.

  • Reporting: Offers up-to-date reports on how your campaigns are performing that you can share with your team or clients through PDFs or links.

HypeAuditor also offers special features for brands selling directly to consumers (DTC). It works smoothly with big e-commerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce. This lets you see how your influencer campaigns are directly affecting sales.

The platform makes it easy to scale up your outreach efforts and personalize your messages, integrating with popular email systems for efficient communication. Plus, with an API for custom analytics and a Zapier integration for automating your workflow with thousands of other apps, HypeAuditor simplifies the process of managing influencer campaigns.

Altogether, HypeAuditor provides a no-nonsense, comprehensive toolkit for enhancing your influencer marketing campaigns, helping you make smarter decisions and streamline your workflow.

Innovative technologies

What sets HypeAuditor apart is its smart use of machine learning and AI to spot fraud and check the quality of audiences. This tech gives brands solid scores on influencers and their audiences, helping with negotiations and making sure money is spent on real, active followers.

Scalability and growth support

HypeAuditor isn't just about analyzing influencers; it stands out for helping brands expand their reach effectively. At its core, HypeAuditor is built to grow with your organization, offering tools that make scaling up your influencer marketing straightforward. With its influencer discovery, campaign tracking, and account monitoring tools, the platform lets brands enhance their strategies using detailed performance and engagement insights.

What really sets HypeAuditor apart in helping brands scale is its ability to integrate smoothly with popular email platforms for easy communication, its API for custom data analysis, and its Zapier integration for automating workflows. These features mean you can connect with thousands of apps, making your marketing more efficient. This blend of scalability, growth support, and improved operational efficiency marks HypeAuditor as a standout choice for large brands and agencies aiming to up their influencer marketing game.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

With its powerful API and connections to e-commerce, HypeAuditor ensures your influencer marketing efforts link up smoothly with your sales data. It also works well with email services and Zapier, giving brands a lot of room to tailor and streamline their marketing work.

Educational resources and support

HypeAuditor also gives you plenty of resources to learn from, like whitepapers, guides, and webinars made by experts. They offer support through email and chat, plus a detailed course about the platform, free tools for analyzing influencers, and an FAQ and Help Center. All of this means users have everything they need to get the most out of their influencer marketing.

Heepsy vs HypeAuditor

Both Heepsy and HypeAuditor are renowned influencer marketing platforms that cater to different user needs. Heepsy is known for its user-friendly interface, making it ideal for beginners, and offers influencer discovery based on specific criteria like niche and location. It provides detailed audience demographic insights, performance metrics, and contact information for influencers, facilitating collaboration initiation and negotiations. Heepsy also offers campaign management tools, enabling users to plan, execute, and monitor influencer marketing campaigns efficiently

HypeAuditor, on the other hand, is a comprehensive platform that focuses on influencer profiling and audience data analysis, offering in-depth analytics and influencer auditing. It has a wide database of influencers from various social networks, ensuring a broad reach for brands. HypeAuditor is particularly suitable for experienced marketers, providing more advanced features for influencer marketing campaigns

What we like

HypeAuditor is great because it does everything you need for influencer marketing in one place. It makes managing campaigns easy and gives you really useful information to make smart choices. We especially like how it checks for fake followers and fake likes, so you know the influencers you're working with are the real deal.

It's awesome for any big company or agency that wants to make sure their influencer partnerships are genuine. HypeAuditor helps you understand not just how influencers are doing, but also who their followers are, which is super important for planning your marketing.

For those who care a lot about working with true, quality influencers, HypeAuditor is a top pick because of its strong focus on finding fakes and giving detailed info. It's always getting better, adding new things to help you reach your marketing goals more easily. Basically, HypeAuditor makes the whole influencer marketing process clearer and helps you from start to finish, making it a key tool for planning your campaigns.

2. Phlanx

Phlanx overview

Best use case

Phlanx helps small to medium-sized businesses and agencies with tight budgets to optimize their influencer marketing campaigns, connect with relevant influencers, and measure campaign effectiveness.

Availability of a free trial

Phlanx offers a generous 30-day free trial for exploring their tools.

Starting price

Phlanx offers three subscription plans, the smallest starting at $49/month if billed monthly. In each plan, the number of users increases, but all features are the same.

Key features

  • Influencer Discovery: A database of Instagram influencers categorized by niche and engagement metrics, to find the right collaborators for campaigns.

  • Engagement Calculators: The platform enables businesses to measure audience engagement across multiple social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, to track campaign performance.

  • Campaign Manager: Users can manage social media campaigns, create event lists, and analyze influencer data from various platforms to optimize collaboration outcomes.

  • Contract Generator: Phlanx’s contract generator helps brands create influencer agreements quickly and easily, reducing manual workload and ensuring clear terms for partnerships.

  • Brand Mention Tracker: With the brand mentions tracking tool, companies can monitor who mentions their brand or their competitors on social platforms, blogs, and forums.

Innovative technologies

Phlnax doesn’t offer unique technologies but does provide numerous free tools and a range of advanced features and functionalities like the contract generator to enhance smooth campaign execution.

Scalability and growth support

All plans come with the same tools, with only the number of users increasing. Hence, business growth is supported to a certain extent. Phlanx is unlikely to meet large business needs.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

There is no mention of integrations with external platforms, however, Phlanx offers engagement calculators for six social media platforms, including Twitch and Twitter.

Educational resources and support

Phlnax’s educational resources include downloadable materials, articles, and a guide on how to measure engagement. They provide a contact form but no contact information is available publicly.

Heepsy vs Phlanx

Phlanx and Heepsy both focus on finding authentic influencers and offer powerful influencer discovery and analysis tools. Their pricing models are aimed at small and midsize companies. The main difference between Heepsy and Phlanx is that Heepsy also provides outreach and management tools to help build relationships with influencers, while Phlanx matches brands with influencers based on their performance.

What we like

Phlanx's user-friendly interface, comprehensive feature set, month-long free trial, and affordability are acknowledged by many users. Its straightforward solutions and strong focus on measuring engagement make it a valuable tool for businesses that want to drive engagement and improve their campaign performance.

3. Upfluence

Upfluence platform overview

Best use case

Upfluence appears to be the perfect tool for e-commerce brands and businesses who would like to make use of influencer marketing for their products. E-commerce integrations and advanced search tools make the platform very suitable for businesses who are willing to work with related influencers and, in turn, measure their campaigns’ effect through Upfluence.

Availability of a free trial

Upfluence’s website doesn’t mention the availability of a free trial or free plans. Interested parties probably can request a free demo before they commit themselves to the platform.

Starting price

Although prices are not publicly displayed, Upfluence’s plans include influencer discovery and management, plus mail integrations, outreach, and the mailing AI assistant. Depending on their needs, businesses can request additional features like payment and campaign management for extra fees.

Key features

Influencer discovery: Driven by data, content, and performance metrics, Upfluence offers a powerful, all-in-one discovery tool for brands that uncovers the best influencers for their campaigns. Users can drill down to the influencers based on their engagement rates, audience size, demographics, and almost every other imaginable factor to make sure it is a perfect fit for brand collaboration.

Performance tracking: Companies can analyze influencer and affiliate campaign effectiveness by measuring the exact sales value generated and the ROI achieved. This tool presents up-to-date statistics about video views, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), engagement rates, and earned media value. Upfluence’s analytics help you gauge the expected results of the partnership and finally act in a data-driven manner.

Creator relationship and campaign management: With its complete, automated, and customizable workflow tools, Upfluence simplifies influencer relationships and communication. The platform allows users to track all hired creators, manage content and applications, and handle outreach and messaging.

Influencer and affiliate payments: Companies can easily compensate influencers, affiliates, and creators with Upfluence's simplified payment procedure. The platform allows seamless transactions in 200 countries and 135 currencies by automating commission calculations, payment requests, and legal document retrieval.

Campaign optimization: Sophisticated analytics enable brands to pinpoint the most successful influencers and estimate their campaign’s results. Upfluence’s personalized dashboard and rich data help users optimize their campaigns and investments and refine their strategies for upcoming campaigns.

Product seeding: Upfluence's convenient product seeding feature makes it easy to send products to influencers with just a click. The process generates real content and boosts sales. The platform gives companies complete control over selecting products, deciding quantities, and determining compensation. This expedites the gifting process and ensures optimal engagement with influencers.

Innovative technologies

What makes Upfluence unique, is its AI-powered ChatGPT assistant. The tool enhances creator communications with optimized and auto-generated emails. Apart from a chatbot, Upfluence uses machine learning algorithms to analyze influencer data and identify the most relevant and effective partners. On top of that, a number of advanced analytics and predictive modeling tools help users optimize their campaigns and forecast performance.

Scalability and growth support

Designed to grow with businesses, Upfluence offers a range of add-ons and packages to meet a variety of needs and budgets. Its features support scalability, including advanced analytics, larger influencer networks, and enhanced campaign management tools.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

Upfluence offers a good degree of customization and flexibility. It offers seamless integration with various e-commerce platforms, mailing providers, CRM tools, and payment platforms.

Educational resources and support

Upfluence provides informative resources, in the form of podcasts, blog posts, guides, an influencer marketing glossary, and case studies. They provide users with a knowledgeable customer support team and clients can use a chatbot for quick query resolution.

Heepsy vs Upfluence

In comparison, Heepsy provides advanced search and filtering tools to help brands find the right influencers based on various criteria, such as audience demographics, engagement rates, and content quality. Upfluence offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities to measure campaign performance, optimize strategies, and demonstrate ROI. While Heepsy integrates with Shopify, Upfluence’s numerous integration options suggest that it tries to cater to the needs of large enterprises and e-commerce brands. Thanks to its more diverse functionalities, Upfluence is probably more expensive than Heepsy, whose cheapest plan starts at €59/month.

What we like

We appreciate Upfluence's comprehensive suite of tools for influencer marketing. The AI-powered ChatGPT assistant is a life-saver for smooth communication. Advanced analytics for campaign success and seamless integration with various platforms enhance campaign efficiency and the prediction of key KPIs.

4. Storyclash

Storyclash leverages AI to find the best influencers

Best use case

Storyclash excels at helping users discover relevant creators, track and analyze campaign performance, and manage ongoing collaborations. The platform is a great choice for brands and marketers who want to maximize their influencer marketing efforts, particularly on Instagram.

Availability of a free trial

There is no public data about a free trial on Storyclash’s website. Similarly to other platforms, they offer a free demo.

Starting price

Soryclash’s pricing is straightforward and accessible on their website. Its smallest plan starts at

€899/month if paid yearly. The plan provides enough features for a business to run a successful influencer campaign on Instagram. The other two plans offer YouTube and TikTok discovery. In addition, they provide industry and market analysis, competitor insights, and APIs.

Key features

Content-based influencer discovery: Storyclash’s influencer search tool enables users to find influencers whose content aligns with their brand's values and messaging. By analyzing billions of social media posts, Storyclash identifies relevant influencers who resonate with specific topics or keywords, aiming to connect businesses with authentic partners.

AI-driven influencer matching: The platform uses artificial intelligence to recommend influencers for brands who fit their campaign’s objectives and target audience. This innovative technology helps companies uncover potential talents and improve their collaboration outcomes.

Influencer relationship management: Storyclash provides a centralized hub for storing contacts, and monitoring negotiations and campaign progress. From initial outreach to post-campaign engagement, this function ensures that businesses foster stronger partnerships and maximize campaign success.

Campaign tracking and reporting: Storyclash offers robust tools for tracking the performance of influencer marketing campaigns. Users can monitor key metrics, track engagement, and generate customizable reports to evaluate campaign effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Story tracking: Storyclash enables users to track and save Instagram Stories posted by influencers, even after they disappear from the platform. This unmatched feature provides valuable insights into the widely popular but ephemeral content shared by influencers, allowing brands to assess their storytelling capabilities and campaign impact.

Previous brand collaboration insights: Brands can gauge past brand collaborations of influencers, including the frequency, nature, and success of these partnerships. This information helps brands make informed decisions when selecting influencers for their next campaign.

Innovative technologies

Storyclash utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze influencer data and identify the most relevant and effective partners for each campaign. The platform also offers predictive modeling tools to help users forecast campaign performance and optimize their strategies.

Scalability and growth support

Storyclash supports brands’ unique needs and supports their growth with its pricing model and diverse plans. Moreover, it provides advanced analytics, a vast database of creators, and comprehensive campaign management tools to support businesses as they grow.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

With Storyclash’s platform brands can tailor their influencer search criteria, campaign parameters, and reporting dashboards to their specific goals and preferences. Although its integration selection is narrow, businesses can integrate their Shopify store to Storyclash.

Educational resources and support

Marketers can choose from blog articles and guides if they want to polish their influencer marketing knowledge or choose from the multiple webinars Storyclash offers in English and in German. For those who need extra help with creating a brief or contract, or struggle connecting with craters, Storyclash offers free templates.

Heepsy vs Storyclash

Heepsy offers an unparalleled authenticity tool to identify and mitigate fraud risks, helping brands connect with genuine influencers who can drive real engagement. The influencer suite is easy to navigate for users with varying levels of experience in influencer marketing. Storyclash provides access to a vast and diverse pool of potential influencer partners and supports growth and scalability with a range of tools. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, so brands eventually have to consider their business needs and budget when selecting the ideal suite for their efforts.

What we like

Storyclash stands out with its diverse influencer library that allows global reach. Its impressive AI-powered influencer search capabilities, comprehensive campaign tracking, and reporting features topped with excellent customer support make Storyclash a great option for d2c companies and fast-growing brands.

5. Influencity

Influencity is ideal for brands who want to scale their campaigns effectively

Best use case

Influencity is an ideal platform for brands of all sizes and agencies looking to effectively manage their entire influencer marketing campaigns, from discovery and recruitment to collaboration and performance tracking.

Availability of a free trial

Influencity offers a 7-day trial to three of its plans.

Starting price

Influencity created three fixed-fee plans, the smallest starting at $168/month if paid monthly. The Basic plan includes all Discovery and most IRM elements. Brands with exclusive needs and requirements can create a custom bundle.

Key features

Extensive influencer database: Influencity boasts a database of over 200 million influencer profiles across three major social media platforms. The vast creator library safeguards that businesses can discover and connect with any type of influencer across the globe.

Advanced influencer search and analysis: Its powerful filtering and analytics capabilities ensure companies find suitable influencers based on criteria like niche, location, follower count, and engagement rate. Influencity’s audience analysis tool was designed to locate creators whose core audience aligns with the campaign's target audience.

Influencer recruitment and outreach: Influencity’s tools for creating an opt-in page for recruitment and in-built messaging features accelerate the process of approaching and collaborating with influencers.

Campaign management tools: Companies can monitor and coordinate influencer collaborations from the start to the end. Users can efficiently organize influencers into lists, and forecast campaign outcomes even before contacting creators.

Influencer seeding and payments: By integrating Shopify with Influencity, brands can easily track their product seeding campaign’s efficiency through the platform. The platform enables businesses to handle and oversee influencer compensation across 180+ countries and in 140+ currencies.

Innovative technologies

Influencity utilizes AI and machine learning to analyze influencer data, identify patterns, and foreshadow potential campaign performance. Additionally, its look-alike tool enables users to replicate successful influencer-audience matches for enhanced campaign reach and engagement.

Scalability and growth support

Influencity offers three subscription plans and a customizable bundle, an expansive influencer community, and comprehensive campaign management features. The platform supports businesses in scaling their influencer marketing efforts as they grow.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

Influencity provides flexibility in campaign customization, influencer discovery and recruitment, and analytics reporting. Businesses can adjust their marketing activities to their specific objectives and preferences. Integration with Metricool and Shopify further enhances customization and efficiency in managing influencer campaigns.

Educational resources and support

A variety of educational resources are available from Influencity, including blogs, guides, ebooks, infographics, webinars, and e-learning courses. Additionally, they created a comprehensive knowledge base about the platform. Influencity is praised for its customer success team providing guidance and assistance for its clients and ensuring users receive the necessary support for successful influencer marketing campaigns.

Heepsy vs Influencity

Heepsy prioritizes authenticity and user-friendliness. It is easy to navigate at any skill level. Heepsy’s budget-friendly plans suit smaller businesses. Influencity offers a high level of customization and flexibility. Despite many users praising its advanced features and detailed analytics, some find it overwhelming.

What we like

  • All-in-one solution to manage influencer marketing campaigns from start to finish.

  • Scalability and customizable pricing options for businesses of all sizes.

  • One of the largest influencer databases in the industry.

  • Strong emphasis on educational resources and customer support.

6. Promoty.io

Promoty influencer marketing platform

Best use case

Promoty is ideal for businesses seeking an all-around influencer marketing solution that covers influencer discovery and evaluation, campaign management, and performance tracking.

Availability of a free trial

Promoty offers a free trial, however it is not clear how long it is.

Starting price

Its four plans cater to diverse needs. The smallest starts at $145/month if billed monthly and includes influencer search and analytics, CRM and Instagram posts, and reels tracking. For those with specific requirements, Pomoty's team can construct a custom plan with unique pricing.

Key features

Influencer search: Promoty has a massive global influencer database with over 250 million creators. Its advanced filters enable users to look for influencers by keyword, niche, audience characteristics, and interests.

Influencer management: Thanks to the CRM tool companies can save a lot of time by Organizing and monitoring collaborations, tracking campaign progress, and managing influencer relationships in a centralized dashboard.

Influencer analytics: Promoty provides in-depth reports on social media performance, brand affinity, audience quality, and authenticity.

Influencer content tracking: With Promoty’s content tracking feature, businesses can monitor individual influencer content and the campaign in one place.

Innovative technologies

Promoty offers an all-in-one suite for influencer search, analytics, and CRM, providing an overall solution for influencer marketing endeavors. What sets the platform apart is its ability to monitor influencer content and provide detailed statistics for each post and campaign.

Scalability and growth support

Promoty supports growth and scalability by offering plans tailored to the diverse needs of companies. Apart from this, its enormous creator database ensures brands can extend their campaigns smoothly and manage larger or global campaigns.

Customization, flexibility, and integrations

Promoty's white-label solution and API offer extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their influencer marketing platform to meet specific needs. The platform's flexibility enables users to integrate it seamlessly with their existing marketing stack, while the API provides enhanced efficiency in managing influencers, collaborations, and content.

Educational resources and support

Promoty’s educational resources extend to several guides and a blog. Apart from this, the company places a lot of emphasis on a positive customer experience by offering dedicated contacts and a demo scheduling page.

Heepsy vs Promoty.io

Heepsy is known for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive analytics, and a strong focus on identifying authentic influencers. Its detailed analytics and responsive customer support also contribute to a positive experience when managing influencer marketing campaigns. However, it doesn’t offer the same level of customization and flexibility as Promoty. Businesses seeking an extensive platform or who have specific workflows benefit more from Promoty's API integration and customization.

What we like

We appreciate Promoty's comprehensive suite of tools that simplify influencer marketing processes. The excessive influencer catalog, the detailed analytics provided for every influencer, and the platform's focus on credibility assessment and content tracking further enhance its value for businesses looking to drive successful influencer campaigns.

Or Consider One of These Platforms

7. Skeepers

Skeepers is an influencer marketing platform that connects brands with smaller creatorsSkeepers is an influencer marketing solution that connects businesses with creators and helps automate and scale campaigns.

Best Use Case

It is the optimal choice for companies that seek to work with lower-tier influencers. It is especially a superb solution for brands that place a great emphasis on authentic reviews and want to boost their product promotions with UGC.

Pricing Overview

There’s no mention of rates and plans on Skeepers’ website, this suggests that Skeeprs offers tailored plans that meet specific brand needs. Businesses can request a free demo before they commit to the tool.

Key Features

  • Access to a database of 100,000 pre-vetted nano- and micro-influencers on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

  • Tools to automate and scale influencer outreach.

  • With Skeepers’ Shoppable Content feature companies can turn influencer content clickable and shoppable.

  • The platform provides real-time analytics for monitoring campaign performance.

Main Advantages

  • Skeepers’s authentic content creator community and its outreach and content management tools enable brands to identify trustworthy brand ambassadors.

  • The platform has all the means to collect UGC and manage content rights.

  • Businesses can feature genuine user reviews across numerous channels.

Heepsy vs Skeepers

Heepsy provides a broader influencer search engine with advanced analytics and campaign management capabilities across various influencer tiers and social networks. In contrast, Skeepers specializes in nano- and micro-influencers and UGC, focusing on authenticity and online reputation.

8. NeoReach

NeoReach provides accurate ROI calculationsOne of the leading influencer marketing platforms, NeoReach offers enterprise-grade solutions for brands and agencies. It leverages advanced technologies and extensive market intelligence so that businesses can manage their entire influencer marketing process.

Best Use Case

NeoReach is the best option for large brands and marketing agencies seeking a platform that provides them with an end-to-end influencer marketing solution from discovery to measuring and reporting.

Pricing Overview

Aside from a platform and API, NeoReach offers managed services as well. Hence, they have two plans: one for customers who need their campaigns fully managed, and the other for businesses that want software to handle their campaigns in-house. Interested companies need to contact NeoReach to get a quote.

Key Features

  • NeoReach provides an AI-based fake follower detection tool.

  • Influencer discovery feature with over 40 filters, including performance and audience demographics.

  • Workflow automation simplifies managing contracts, reviewing drafts, and tracking payments.

  • Easy-to-understand dashboard for monitoring campaign performance.

Main Advantages

  • Influencer Media Value (IMV) - NeoReach’s proprietary metric - facilitates brands to measure ROI.

  • An API solution with 100+ custom endpoints allows brands to integrate NeoReach’s insights into their familiar apps.

Heepsy vs NeoReach

Both platforms offer powerful analytics and reporting features, however, Heepsy’s core feature is influencer discovery. NeoReach emphasizes workflow automation and campaign management and provides an API. Heepsy’s subscription-based plans are affordable for businesses with tight budgets. NeoReach’s custom pricing and enterprise-level solutions will benefit big brands and agencies with considerable budgets.

9. Linqia

Linqia is an end-to-end influencer marketing platformLinqia is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform that leverages AI and predictive technology. Linqia’s features assist companies in executing effective influencer campaigns from strategizing to measurement.

Best Use Case

Linqia can be ideal for brands and agencies that are looking for an end-to-end approach to influencer marketing and a platform that blends cutting-edge technology and advanced analytics with authentic storytelling.

Pricing Overview

Linqia’s plans and rates aren’t discussed on their website. Brands and agencies have to book a consultation to learn about the platform’s capabilities and quotes are tailored to their requirements.

Key Features

  • The platform uses 1.5 billion data points and predictive technology to identify creators who match a brand campaign’s requirements.

  • A unified campaign management dashboard to handle campaign briefs, content reviews, and creator collaborations.

  • Linqia’s content optimization solution tests and ranks content, and recommends the best time for posting and the ideal platforms and formats for the campaign.

Main advantages

  • Linqia’s platform called Resonate offers an all-in-one solution for users, including influencer discovery, creator management, campaign and influencer analytics, and campaign tracking.

  • Paid ad amplification for high-performing content.

Heepsy vs Linqia

Heepsy is a great fit for smaller teams and brands that require an efficient, budget-friendly platform for discovering and analyzing influencers. Linqia is best suited for larger businesses or agencies looking for a robust, all-encompassing solution with high-level strategy and campaign management services.

10. indaHash

indaHash provides brands with an end-to-end influencer marketing solutionAs a global all-in-one influencer marketing platform, indaHash helps businesses create and run successful campaigns across several channels with a range of customization options.

Best Use Case

indaHash is the best choice for brands that are looking for a platform that helps them manage their influencer marketing efforts including identifying relevant creators, managing campaigns, tracking results, and reporting.

Pricing Overview

indaHash designed five packages for various marketing needs. The smallest plan covers influencer discovery, analytics, and competitor research, while the largest plan was designed to cater to the needs of enterprise-level businesses. For specific rates, companies have to contact indaHash.

Key Features

  • AI-driven influencer search and matching to identify the best content creators for specific campaign objectives.

  • End-to-end campaign management, including creator communication, content moderation, and real-time performance tracking.

  • Detailed analytics and reporting for campaign performance measurement.

Main advantages

  • Cutting-edge technology, automation possibilities, and AI image recognition.

  • Crisis detection tool for preserving online reputation.

  • Integration with Shopify, WooCommerce, and custom e-commerce platforms.

Heepsy vs indaHash

Heepsy excels in influencer discovery, outreach, and advanced analytics and provides a media library for content organization. On the other hand, indaHash offers an AI-powered influencer matching feature, numerous e-commerce integration options, and a content moderation tool. Reflecting its diverse and extensive feature list, indaHash is suitable for companies with sufficient budgets, while Heepsy’s affordable subscription plans are more attractive to small businesses and teams with limited financial resources.

11. Sprout Social

With Sprout Social's platform businesses can leverage social media marketing and influencer marketing featuresOriginally, a social media management tool, Sprout Social now offers influencer marketing solutions as well, thanks to the acquisition with Tagger Media. From influencer discovery to campaign measurement, the platform covers all the bases needed to run an influencer marketing campaign.

Best Use Case

Sprout Social will benefit brands and teams that want to align their social media marketing efforts with influencer marketing.

Pricing Overview

Since Sprout Social’s main product is social media management, its plans have been designed accordingly. Influencer marketing is an add-on service along with employee advocacy, social listening, and premium analytics. Sprout Social offers a 30-day free trial. Brands need to contact Sprout Social whether the free trial applies to the influencer marketing platform add-on.

Key Features

  • Access to a vetted network of authentic creators.

  • End-to-end campaign management, including contracts, collaboration, and payments.

  • Detailed analytics and custom reporting to track campaign progress and measure success.

Main advantages

  • Integration with Sprout Social's social media management capabilities.

  • Efficient influencer ROI measurement and optimization.

Heepsy vs Sprout Social

Heepsy offers a robust set of influencer marketing tools, including an influencer marketplace, e-commerce integrations, and advanced creator analytics. Heepsy's specialized toolkit caters to brands, agencies, and advertisers with dedicated influencer marketing needs. Sprout Social, on the other hand, is more focused on integrating influencer marketing with overall social media management, making it suitable for brands seeking a unified solution.

Want to partner with influencers who will be right for your brand?
Find the best creators with HypeAuditor Influencer Discovery and its 137.5M+ account database.
Anna is an influencer marketing expert and content marketing writer at HypeAuditor. She enjoys discovering new social media trends and features.
Topics:Influencer Platform Alternatives
April 24, 2024
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Anna is an influencer marketing expert and content marketing writer at HypeAuditor. She enjoys discovering new social media trends and features.
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Want to partner with influencers who will be right for your brand?
Find the best creators with HypeAuditor Influencer Discovery and its 137.5M+ account database.