๐ฒ๐๐๐๐ (@rdngalen) Instagram account analysis for December 2024
Brand/Campaign NO DM โ: 085729303666 (Riyan)
@rdngalenโs content relates to the following categories:
๏ขSales & Marketing
Global rank: 174,159 worldwide
Based on overall account performance and audience quality worldwide
Country rank: 5,635 in Indonesia
Based on overall account performance and audience quality in Indonesia
@rdngalenโs Engagement Rate Analytics
See how much audiences are engaged by a creatorโs content. In December, @rdngalenโs engagement rate was 12.72%. Compared to similar accounts, this score is "Excellent". For further Instagram engagement rate insights, such as authentic engagement and average engagement figures, unlock @rdngalenโs full report.
Engagement (Auth.)
Engagement (Avg.)
@rdngalenโs Follower Growth Rate
30 days
๏Last year
In December, @rdngalen achieved a follower growth figure of 1.74%. This is considered "Excellent" compared to the average value for similar accounts. Their current Instagram follower count is 112,400. To see up to 12 months of historical data, register and unlock @rdngalenโs full report.
Audience Quality Score Check
@rdngalen's account analyzed
Weโve checked this account using 40+ parameters
What weโve checked:
Quality of active audience
Likes & comments activity
Signs of comment pods
Account type
Audience demographics
Engagement rate breakdown
Signs of mass following
Signs of giveaways
Sentiment analysis
Check any influencer
@rdngalenโs Following Trend
Get a clear picture of an accountโs following dynamics. Over the last 30 days, @rdngalen has followed an additional 0 accounts, putting their current following count at 894. Their follower-to-following ratio is 125.73.
Follower-to-Following Ratio
@rdngalenโs Total Posts
See how many pieces of content an account has created. To date, @rdngalen has posted a total of 37 times.
@rdngalenโs Average likes
View the like dynamics for @rdngalenโs content. To date, @rdngalen has received an average of 14,257 likes on their content. Their likes-to-followers ratio is 12.68%. To see additional Instagram analytics such as likes views spread and average views per post, unlock @rdngalenโs full report.
Likes-to-Followers Ratio
Likes views spread
Avg. views
@rdngalenโs Likes-Comments Ratio
See how authentic the interactions with @rdngalenโs content are. @rdngalenโs likes-comments ratio is 180.47. This ratio is "Good" compared to similar accounts. They also achieved an average of 79 comments. Unlock @rdngalenโs full report for further data such as comments average per post.
Avg. comments
Comment Rate
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@rdngalenโs Historical Data
@rdngalenโs follower count shifted from 112,400 to 112,400 from 10 Nov'24 to 10 Nov'24, yielding a growth rate of +1.74% for this period. Total posts went from 37 to 37, with the current like-to-comment ratio becoming 180.47. Unlock the full report for more detailed insights and historical trends.
Instagram Account Stats in Advanced Report
Explore @rdngalenโs comprehensive Instagram influencer analytics with our Advanced Report, including complete Instagram audience analytics, and Instagram post analytics like cumulative likes, likes views spread, hashtag analytics, and 20 other crucial Instagram stats.